Outreach to the USA and Mexico
We send many illustrated evangelistic booklets and gospels of Romans to missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and Christians mainly in the USA and Mexico without cost because of the donations of Christians just like you. Most of the free evangelistic booklets go to Mexico, where comics or illustrated literature is popular.
Our mission is to print and distribute illustrated booklets and the illustrated gospel of Romans so that many more may hear the gospel message and accept Jesus as their personal
Savior. Illustrated evangelistic booklets are an awesome outreach and witnessing tool that may be given out to anyone. Each illustrated evangelistic booklet presents the gospel in
an easy to understand way that speaks for itself or can be a great conversation starter.
We believe that illustrated gospel booklets get read more often than tracts with no pictures.
We believe in the power of the printed Word of God in our illustrated gospel booklets. You may send support for Christians to receive illustrated evangelistic booklets and Illustrated Gospels of Romans. For more information on the ministry, you may request to be on the newsletter mailing list. This newsletter is sent by regular mail.